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The Neighborhood Watch Program has been alive and well in Cheektowaga long before the advent of community policing.
The Cedar Campbell Tudor program began in 1980 and was one of the first in town.
It has long been recognized that police are not able to do everything alone and that citizens need to be involved to keep their neighborhoods safe.
There are currently approximately forty (40) watch groups in the Town of Cheektowaga. Due to life's busy pace, most do not have regularly scheduled meetings, but operate more along the lines of an informational network.
Community policing is not seen as only one component of conventional policing philosophy, but affects the entire police organization. This form of policing involves a process through which community problems are identified and addressed by police officers in co-operation with the community.
The Neighborhood Watch program is a key component. The Cheektowaga Police Crime Resistance Unit works closely with the groups to ensure continuity.
Check out the story on WGRZ 2 News
In the event of a rash of incidents in an area, the police and watch personnel are quickly able to disseminate information on the incidents and suspects throughout the neighborhood. Organized neighborhoods have been effective in assisting the department in making arrests and solving crimes. Watch groups have also been instrumental in setting up local bicycle registration programs that have assisted the police in returning stolen bicycles.
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