Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program which enlists the active participation of citizens in cooperation with law enforcement to reduce crime in their communities. It involves:
Neighbors getting to know each other, taking the time to care about each other and working together in a program of mutual assistance.
Citizens being trained to recognize and report suspicious activities in their neighborhoods.
Crime prevention strategies such as home security, Operation Identification and others being implemented by citizens.
There can't be a law enforcement officer on every corner, so citizen involvement is essential to combat crime. You and your neighbors are the ones who really know what is going on in your community. By cooperating with each other and the police, people can help fight crime in their community in the most effective way - before it begins!
Neighborhood Watch members place signs in their windows and post Neighborhood watch signs on streets, warning criminals that they are in an active Neighborhood Watch Community, and that "neighbors are watching out for each other."
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